managing acid reflux guide管理胃酸倒流指南

The Acid Reflux Condition And Its Treatment该胃酸倒流的情况及其处理
If the gastric juices containing acid travel back from the stomach into the esophagus, we can say that person has an如果胃液含有酸性旅行回来,从胃到食道,我们可以说,人有一个 condition.条件。 People affected by the acid reflux, have often symptoms like chest pain, regurgitation, a burning that is rising from the stomach up towards the neck, dental erosion, hoarseness and asthma.受影响的人,由胃酸倒流,往往症状,如胸痛,逆流,燃烧的是从胃了对颈,牙齿侵蚀,声音嘶哑和哮喘。
There are some people that deal with this problem regularly, and that condition is called gastroesophageal reflux disease.也有一些人认为,处理这个问题,定期,而且条件是所谓的胃食管反流病。

Normally, stomach acid and enzymes help the stomach to digest the food, and after it partially does that, the stomach muscle will deliver the content into the small intestine for further digestion.一般情况下,胃酸和酵素的功能是帮助胃消化食物,而经过这部分是否表示,胃部肌肉将交付内容渗透到小肠,为进一步消化。
There are a few factors that contribute to the apparition of acid reflux.有几个因素有助于推动apparition的胃酸倒流。 Some of them are chocolate, caffeine, cigarettes, fatty foods, obesity and pregnancy.他们中的一些人是巧克力,咖啡因,香烟,不饱和脂肪酸的食物,肥胖和怀孕。 It is known that obesity and pregnancy are determining the pressure inside the abdomen to rise, and are pushing the stomach contents back into the esophagus.据了解,肥胖和怀孕是定压腹部内上升,并推动胃内容返回到食道。 If a person has the stomach full of food and acid and lies down, there is an increased probability for the如果一个人真的有胃部充满食物和酸性和谎言,是有增加的概率为 to appear.出庭。 There are also people who have stomachs that empty their content into the intestine very slowly.也有一些人肚皮空载其内容渗透到肠道速度非常缓慢。

The can cause quite serious problems sometimes, it can affect the quality of life, and everyday activities.可造成相当严重的问题,有时候,它可以影响到市民的生活质素,以及日常活动。 can cause heartburn, and sometimes, in more severe cases that can be very dangerous.可造成胃灼热,有时,在严重的情况下,可以很危险的。 The lining of the esophagus may become damaged and ulcerated, and because of this, may result difficulties or even pain when swallowing the foods or liquids, or narrowing.衬砌的食道有可能成为破坏和溃疡,也正因如此,可能造成困难甚至痛苦的时候,吞咽的食物或液体,或缩小。

There are a few medications that are usually used.有少数的药品,通常用于。 Blockers, like histamine2-receptor antagonists are frequently used, because blocking the chemical named histamine, reduces acid production in the stomach.阻滞剂,如histamine2受体拮抗剂经常使用的,因为封锁的化学命名为组织胺,降低酸生产中胃部。 The histamine is usually released by the body during inflammations, and in the stomach it can release more acid, so it组胺是通常所发表的身体在发炎,而在胃,它就能释放出更多的酸性,所以这

Food allergies less common than parents think 食物过敏,较不常见的比父母以为
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Parents often attribute their preschoolers' rashes and runny noses to a food allergy, but in many cases they are putting the blame in the wrong place, a new study suggests. 纽约(路透社健康) -家长往往归咎于他们的幼儿疹子及流鼻水,一食物过敏,但在许多情况下,它们是诿过于人,在错误的地方,一项新的研究表明。

is important to block this chemical.重要的是要阻止这种化学品。
Prokinetic agents are also used , because they help in emptying the stomach and prevent it from being too full.促动力剂也使用,因为它们有助于在排空胃和防止它被太满。 Prokinetic agents increase the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter.促动力剂增加的压力下食道括约肌。
There are also the proton pump inhibitors, which have an action on cells in the stomach wall that are responsible with the release of acid into the stomach.也有质子泵抑制剂,其中有一个行动,对细胞在胃壁是负责与释放酸进入胃部。
Antacids are some medicines that are being sold directly and they have effect in neutralising acid in the stomach.制酸剂,是一些药品现正直接卖给他们的影响,在中和酸的胃。 This medication is used usually to treat mild acid- related symptoms, like heartburn or indigestion.这种药物是用通常的治疗轻度酸相关症状,如胃灼热或消化不良。 It is important to know that they are not usually recommended to treat the frequent heartburn, that people with gastroesophageal reflux disease have.它是重要的是要知道,他们通常不建议治疗频繁胃灼热,即人与胃食管反流病。

The can be a serious disease in some case, and it affects the everyday living, that is why it is important to treat it as soon as possible.可以是一个严重的疾病,在某些情况下,它会影响你的日常生活,这就是为什么它是非常重要的把它当作尽快落实。

For more resources about acid reflux or especially about acid reflux surgery please click this link http://www.acid-reflux-info-guide.com/acid-reflux-surgery.htm更多的资源用于对胃酸倒流或特别是胃酸倒流手术请点选连结http://www.acid-reflux-info-guide.com/acid-reflux-surgery.htm

Here are some more acid reflux articles...这里有一些更多的胃酸倒流的文章...
Acid Reflux: Causes And Treatments 胃酸倒流:原因和治疗方法
Most people have experienced 'Heartburn' or Acid Reflux at some stage - usually after a rich meal or heavy drinking session: with symptoms mainly being a burning feeling behind the breastbone.大部分人都经历过'心'或胃酸倒流在某个阶段-通常是经过丰富的膳食或酗酒会议:有症状,主要是作为一个灼热的感觉背后b reastbone。 In Read more...阅读更多...
Alternative Therapies For Acid Reflux Disease 另类疗法为胃酸倒流疾病
By By Carl Spanier 由由卡尔spanier
Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common disease which affects approximately 5-7% of the population.胃酸倒流疾病,或胃食道逆流,是一种常见的疾病,影响约5-7 %的人口。 It occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, a long, thin, muscular tube, Read more...它发生时,酸从胃备份到食道,长,薄,肌肉管, 详细内容… …
Alternative Therapies For Acid Reflux Disease 另类疗法为胃酸倒流疾病
By By Carl Spanier 由由卡尔spanier
Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common disease which affects approximately 5-7% of the population.胃酸倒流疾病,或胃食道逆流,是一种常见的疾病,影响约5-7 %的人口。 It occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, a long, thin, muscular tube, Read more...它发生时,酸从胃备份到食道,长,薄,肌肉管, 详细内容… …
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