heartburn and acid reflux guide胃灼热和胃酸倒流指南

Gerd, Acid Reflux And Heartburn胃食道逆流,反酸和烧心
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Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can occur when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not shut the proper way and stomach contents leak back, or reflux, back into the esophagus.胃食管反流病,或胃食道逆流,可以发生时,食管下括约肌( LES )不关闭正确的做法和胃内容泄漏回,或回流,重新进入食道。 The LES is a ring of muscle at the lower part of the esophagus which acts like a valve between the esophagus and stomach.本港就业辅导组的是一个环形的肌肉在较低部分的食道的作用就像是一个阀之间的食道和胃部。 The esophagus carries the food from the mouth to the stomach.食道携带食物从口腔到胃部。

When the food is refluxed back, the stomach acid touches the lining of the esophagus.当食物回流回来,胃酸触及衬砌食道。 This causes a burning sensation in the chest or throat called heartburn.这导致烧灼感,在胸部或咽喉所谓胃灼热。 You may taste this fluid in back of the mouth.你可以品尝这种流体在后面的口。 This is called acid indigestion.这就是所谓酸性消化不良症。 Occasional heartburn is does not mean that you have GERD.偶尔烧心的是,并不意味着你有胃食道逆流。 Though if heartburn occurs more than twice a week, this may be considered GERD.但如果胃灼热发生的两倍多一个星期,这可能是考虑的GERD 。 GERD can gradually lead to more serious health problems. GERD患者可逐渐导致更为严重的健康问题。

Anyone, including infants, children, men, women, pregnant women, can devekio GERD.任何人,包括婴儿,儿童,男人,妇女,孕妇,可以devekio胃食道逆流。

What are the symptoms of GERD?什么是症状的GERD ?

The main symptoms are persistent heartburn and acid regurgitation or reflux.主要症状为持续的胃灼热和反酸或逆流。 Some people may have GERD without heartburn symptoms.有些人可能会对GERD患者无胃灼热的症状。 Instead, they feel like they have pain in the chest, hoarseness in the morning, or having a problem swallowing.相反,他们觉得自己有痛在胸口,声音沙哑是在早上,还是有一个问题,吞咽。 You may feel like you have something that may be stuck in your throat or like you are choking.你可能会觉得像你们一样有这么一种可能停留在你的喉咙,或像你们一样都是哽塞。 Your throat may also feel tight.你的喉咙里可能也感到紧张。 GERD can, as well, can exhibit a dry cough and bad breath.胃食道逆流,可以作为好了,才能呈现干咳及口臭。

No one knows why people get these symptoms of GERD.没有人知道人们为什么让这些症状的GERD 。 A hiatal hernia may contribute to GERD. 1裂孔疝可能有助于GERD患者。 A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach, above the diaphragm, the muscle wall separates the stomach from the chest. 1裂孔疝发生时,上层部分的胃,上述膈肌,肌肉墙隔开,从胃部,胸部。 The diaphragm helps the LES which acts like a valve from keep acid from coming back up into the esophagus.膈肌有助本港就业辅导组的作用就像一个阀门,从保持酸来备份到食道。 When a hiatal hernia is present, it is当一个裂孔疝是当前来说,就是

Food allergies less common than parents think 食物过敏,较不常见的比父母以为
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Parents often attribute their preschoolers' rashes and runny noses to a food allergy, but in many cases they are putting the blame in the wrong place, a new study suggests. 纽约(路透社健康) -家长往往归咎于他们的幼儿疹子及流鼻水,一食物过敏,但在许多情况下,它们是诿过于人,在错误的地方,一项新的研究表明。

much simpler for the acid to come up.简单得多,为酸上来了。 In this path, a hiatal hernia can cause acid reflux.在这条路,一个裂孔疝可引起胃酸倒流。 A hiatal hernia can happen in people of any any age, including infants. 1裂孔疝可以发生在人的任何年龄,包括婴幼儿。 Many healthy people over 50 may have a small hiatal hernia.许多健康的50岁以上人群可能有一小裂孔疝。

Other factors that could contribute to GERD are:其他因素可能有助于GERD患者分别是:

* alcohol consumption *酒精消费

* obesity *肥胖

* pregnancy *怀孕

* smoking *吸烟

Also, certain foods may be associated with acide reflux events, including此外,某些食物可能与酸返流活动,其中包括

* citrus fruits *柑橘类水果

* chocolate, drinks with caffeine *巧克力,饮料,咖啡因

* fried foods *油炸食品

* garlic and onions *大蒜和洋葱

* strong mint flavorings *强烈的薄荷味道

* spicy foods, like hot sauce *辛辣食物,如酱油热点

* tomato-based foods, like pizza, chili, pasta sauce *番茄为基础的食品,如比萨饼,辣椒酱面条

Copyright 2005 2005年版权

Fern Kuhn, RNSpecializing in Diabetes库恩蕨, rnspecializing糖尿病

http://www.acidrefluxandgerd.com http://www.acidrefluxandgerd.com

http://www.diabetestestingcenter.com http://www.diabetestestingcenter.com

http://www.gastricbypassreviews.info http://www.gastricbypassreviews.info

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