fashion photography schools guide时装摄影学校指南

What You can Learn in Fashion Photography Schools你可以学习时装摄影学校
By B. McFarlane由乙麦克法兰

People always admire models.人民历来钦佩模式。 They love the way that models look on the cover of magazines and they love the way that models can showcase a certain product using their looks.他们喜欢这样的模式看作为封面的杂志和他们喜欢的方式,模型可以展示某产品使用他们的期待。 Whenever people see a good looking model on a magazine, they often ask, “Who is that?” However, few persons actually ask the names of the fashion photographers who made those pictures possible.每当人们看到一个很好看模型对一本杂志,他们经常会问: "是谁吗? "然而,很少人真正想问的名字时装摄影师言论的人的照片。 This might be because they think that fashion photography is not such a hard job.这可能是因为他们认为时装摄影是没有这样一个艰苦的劳动。 They believe that all you have to do is point and click.他们认为,所有你必须做的是第一点,然后按一下。 Most do not even know that professional photographers actually had to go through fashion photography school in order to reach the level of expertise that they have.大多数甚至不知道专业摄影师实际要经过时装摄影学校,以达到专业水平,他们的。

Fashion photography school, you say?时装摄影学校,你说呢? What can I learn from that?我可以采取哪些借鉴呢?

1) Technique –not many people know this, but there are a lot of techniques involved in producing a high quality fashion picture. 1 )技术-没有多少人知道这一点,但也有很多技术涉及的是生产出高品质的时装图片。 Fashion photography school can teach an aspiring photographer the various tricks of the trade.时装摄影学校可以教一个有抱负的摄影者的各种窍门。 Techniques in fashion photography can refer to lighting, motion, or other effects that a photographer can add to make a picture stand out.技巧在时装摄影,可以参照照明,运动,或其他影响,摄影者可以放入一个图片站出来。

Technique also involves angles and instances.技术,还涉及到角度和事例。 Sometimes, looking at something from a different perspective can help make it more interesting to look at.有时候,看东西,从不同的角度,可以帮助使它更有趣看看。 It is important for a photographer to know when to use a technique.这是很重要的一个摄影师知道何时使用一种技术。 A fashion photography school can help you learn those techniques and can help you judge when to best use them.时装摄影学校,可以帮助您了解这些技术,可以帮助你判断时,最好使用它们。

2) Interaction – when you are into fashion photography, you have to realize that your subjects are living and breathing. 2 )互动-当你进入时装摄影,你要认识到,你的子民的生活和呼吸。 Because of this, you need to know how to正因为如此,你必须知道如何

properly interact with them.妥善互动,他们的。 A great fashion photography school can help you by teaching you the right way to interact with your models.一个伟大的时装摄影学校可以帮你教导你正确的方式进行互动,与你的模型。 You will be able to direct them in such a way that will bring out the true beauty of your photographs.你将能够将他们直接这样一种方式,将带出真正的美丽你的照片。 You will be able to tell them the exact pose you want them to hold.你能告诉他们确切构成,你不想让他们搁置。 You will be able to ignite that glint in their eyes so that you can capture it with your camera.你将能够点燃这闪烁,在他们眼中,让你能够捕捉到它与你的相机。 That is interaction.这就是互动。

3) Editing – after you are done taking the pictures, the time has come to edit them. 3 )编辑-当你做了以图片,是时候了,编辑工作。 With the right tools and the training from a fashion photography school, you will be able to turn your photographs into masterpieces.与合适的工具和训练由时装摄影学校,你将能够将你的照片变成杰作。

Picture editing today mainly makes use of the computer.图片编辑,今天主要是使用了计算机。 Nothing is altered drastically.什么是变造的大幅。 However, a photographer can choose to adjust the picture in such a manner that would place the emphasis in the real subject.不过,摄影者可以选择调整图片等方式,将重点放在在现实课题。

4) Selection -after all the pictures have been edited and developed, the time has come to select the picture to use. 4 )筛选式后,所有人员已经进行拍照主编和发展,现在已经到了选择图片,使用便捷。 In a single photo shoot, many different pictures are actually taken.在一个单一的照片拍摄,有很多不同的照片,实际上已经采取。 However, you need to know that of the many photographs, only a few are often selected.但是,你必须知道,在众多照片中,只有少数是常常挑选。 With the help of a fashion photography school, you will be able to criticize your own work and actually find the best picture you can use.借助时装摄影学校,你将能够批评你自己的工作和实际找到最好的图片,你可以使用。 You can make sure that every little detail in your photographs are accounted for when selecting the photograph you are going to use.你能确保每一个小细节在你的照片是占在挑选照片,你是打算用。

A fashion photography school is designed to impart knowledge to those who wish to immortalize people in a photograph.时装摄影学校,是向学生灌输知识给那些希望不朽的人的照片。 Because of this, it should be respected snd that is that.正因为如此,是应该得到尊重的苏州高新,那就是。

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