acid reflux treatment guide胃酸倒流的治疗指南

A Look At Acid Reflux Treatment看看胃酸倒流治疗
By By Seth Miller由由塞思米勒

Heartburn is a by-product of digestion, specifically affecting the esophagus and the stomach.心是一个副产品消化,具体影响食道和胃部。 The esophagus is a tube that delivers food into the stomach, and it has a valve that opens and closes to allow food in and to keep it down during digestion.食管是一个管提供食物进入胃,和它有一个阀门开启和关闭,让食物在,并保持它在消化。 This valve can become lax or get overwhelmed by too much food or too much acid.这种阀门可以成为不严,或获得压倒太多食物或太多的酸。 This condition causes stomach acids to reflux or spill back up through the valve onto the esophagus, fanning flames of discomfort within the center of the chest.这种状况的原因胃酸,以回流或溢漏备份通过阀门进入食道,范宁的火焰中感到不适,与中心的胸部。

Is there an有一 cure?治愈? Yes and no.是的,并没有。 Yes, because it can be treated effectively and relieved, but also no, because researchers have yet to find a root cause and it can always come back.是的,因为它可以有效治疗和缓解,但也没有,因为研究人员还没有找到一个根本原因,它随时可以回来。 treatment regimens include medications, lifestyle changes, and stress management.治疗方法包括药物治疗,生活方式的改变,和压力管理。 Depending on severity,根据关于严重性, can be curbed with as little as only a few behavioral modifications such as quitting smoking and eating better to powerful可以遏制与少,只有少数行为的修改,如戒烟和饮食更好地强大 medication treatments under a physician’s supervision.药物的治疗下,一个医生的监督。

Acid Reflux Medication胃酸倒流的药物

Acid reflux medication strategies vary in how they defend against heartburn.胃酸倒流的药物战略各有不同,他们如何抵御心。 With serious, recurrent heartburn, a physician may recommend与严重,经常烧心,医生可能建议 medications to include histamine antagonists that suppress acid secretions triggered by histamine and gastrin.药物包括组胺受体拮抗剂抑制酸分泌所引发的组胺和胃泌素。 You could also be prescribed proton pump inhibitors, a newer compound designed to block the last step in acid production.您也可以订明质子泵抑制剂,一个较新的化合物,旨在座的最后一步,在产酸。 Prokinetic agents make up another group that, unlike the first two, does not block or suppress acid production, but instead aims to increase the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, helping to push food through faster.促动力剂弥补另一组,不像前两个,这并不阻止或抑制酸生产,而是旨在增加压力对食管下括约肌,帮助推动食物通过速度更快。

Acid Reflux Relief胃酸倒流救济

In many cases, lifestyle alterations can provide a great deal of在许多情况下,改建的生活方式,可以提供大量的 relief like changing your diet, quitting smoking, sitting up after meals, and learning to manage stress.救济想改变你的饮食,戒烟,坐起来后,吃饭,和学习管理的压力。 Exercise is also highly effective演习也是非常有效

Alzheimer's brain plaques cleared in mice 阿尔茨海默氏症的大脑斑块的清理,在小鼠
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Protein accumulations, or plaques, characteristic of Alzheimer's disease can be eliminated from the brains of mice, researchers report, by encouraging scavenger immune cells called macrophages to do their work. 纽约(路透社健康) -蛋白的积累,或斑块,特点,阿尔茨海默氏病是可以消除从小鼠的大脑,研究报告,通过鼓励清道夫的免疫细胞巨噬细胞的所谓做他们的工作。

in relieving在纾缓 because it aids in speeding digestion and stifles one of the peskiest因为艾滋病在加快消化和扼杀其中的peskiest culprits—being overweight.匪徒的福祉超重。 Also check out specialized pillows, shaped into wedges that help keep your head higher than your stomach so that acid stays where it should while you sleep.另外,请查阅专门枕头,形成挖起杆,帮助保持你的头上高于您的胃,使酸停留的地方,应当你的睡眠。

Others opt for natural herbal remedies found in health food stores.其他选择天然草药,发现在健康食品店。 These herbal remedies tout all-natural ingredients that relieve heartburn symptoms and tend to be milder than medical treatments.这些草药兜售的全天然成分,即心纾缓症状,且往往要较温和的医疗待遇。 Prescription medications are the most aggressive处方药是最积极的 treatments and are designed to provide relief for those who suffer from serious, chronic heartburn or治疗和的设计是为了提供救济那些谁遭受严重的,慢性心或 disease.疾病。

You may have to try more than one or a combination of relief strategies in order to find out which is the most effective for you.你可能要尝试一个以上的或相结合的救济策略,以找出哪些是最有效的为您。 Remember to consult your physician on any medical concern, and always keep educated and proactive when it comes to your health.记得要咨询您的医生,对任何医疗的关注,并且始终保持教育和积极主动的,当谈到你的健康。

Acid Reflux Info provides comprehensive information on the cause, symptoms, treatment, and diet associated with normal and infant acid reflux. 胃酸倒流信息 ,提供全面的信息的原因,症状,治疗,饮食与正常婴儿胃酸倒流。 Info is the sister site of Pain Relief Web .信息是妹妹的网站疼痛救济网

Here are some more acid reflux articles...这里有一些更多的胃酸倒流的文章...
Acid Reflux And Your Diet 胃酸倒流和您的饮食
By By Dani Martin 由由达尼马丁
There is an undeniable connection between the occurrence of acid reflux and diet.有一个不可否认的之间的连接发生酸反流和饮食习惯。 Everything in your body has a delicate balance.一切都在你的身体有一个微妙的平衡。 The human body is a miracle of systems that maintains just the Read more...人体是一个奇迹的系统,保持只是阅读更多...
Acid Reflux Disease 胃酸倒流疾病
By  Search EzineArticles.com 搜索ezinearticles.com
What is acid reflux disease?Acid reflux disease can and often is mistaken for heartburn.什么是胃酸倒流疾病?胃酸倒流疾病可以,而且往往是错误的,为心。 But the heartburn symptoms of acid reflux disease usually occur 2 or more days a week Read more...但烧心的症状,胃酸倒流疾病,通常发生2天或以上,每星期阅读更多...
The Acid Reflux Condition And Its Treatment 该胃酸倒流的条件及其治疗
If the gastric juices containing acid travel back from the stomach into the esophagus, we can say that person has an acid reflux condition.如果胃癌的果汁含有酸性旅行回到从胃到食道,我们可以说,人一胃酸倒流的情况。 People affected by the acid reflux, have often symptoms Read more...受影响的人由胃酸倒流,往往症状阅读更多...
More acid reflux treatment information更多的胃酸倒流的治疗信息