
solar power guide太阳能发电指南

Welcome to our solar power resource.  Here you will find great resources, articles, links and more about solar power.   With the rising cost of oil alternative sources of energy are required.  Learn about the benefits of one of those resources, solar power, here.欢迎进入我们的太阳能发电资源,在这里你会发现巨大的资源,物品,联系和更多地了解太阳能发电,加上成本上升的石油替代能源的需要。学习有关的好处之一,这些资源,太阳能发电,在这里。

Here are some articles to start with...这里有一些文章开始...

Solar Power太阳能发电站

By Brennan Howe 由布伦南豪
Solar power is the process of using the light from sun and turning it into an energy source.太阳能发电是个过程,以因应来自太阳,将其变成了能量来源。 It has become a reliable alternative to regular power sources in remote areas.它已成为一个可靠的替代定期动力源在偏远地区。 It has even been Read more...它甚至被阅读更多...

Portable Solar Power便携式太阳能发电站

By Brennan Howe 由布伦南豪
Solar energy is a clean and efficient for of energy.太阳能是一种清洁,高效的能源。 The demand for it is greater than the supply.需求是大于供给。 The cost of supplying electricity to remote locations is expensive and time consuming.该供电成本位置偏远,非常昂贵,而且消耗时间。 Solar Read more...太阳能了解更多… …

Solar Powered Homes太阳能供电的家园

By Brennan Howe 由布伦南豪
In 1979, the developer of a condominium village in New Hampshire decided to bring an environmentally responsive alternative to the market.在1979年,开发商的公寓村在新州预选中决定把环保响应的替代市场。 He designed the building to used solar energy.他设计的建筑物使用太阳能。 The Read more... 阅读更多...
solar power news:太阳能发电新闻:

Red Green Show - Perpetual Motion Machine 红,绿显示-永动机
Hilarious spoof on the perpetual motion mindset. 搞笑哄骗关于永动机的心态。 Comedian inventor devises method for keeping his law mower running without having to purchase fuel. 喜剧演员仪器发明人的方法,为保持他的律师割草机运行而无需购买燃油。 (PESWiki; Jan. 24) ( peswiki ; 1月24日)
Trailer: MPMM Tossed in Trash 拖车: mpmm抛出,在废纸篓
Professionally rendered spoof dramatizes the MPMM being thrown in the trash. 专业提供哄骗展现了mpmm被扔在垃圾桶。 It is based on actual footage of a second video, made yesterday, of the MPMM magnet motor that has spurred so many people to try to replicate the effect seen in the first video posted two weeks ago. 它是基于实际的画面,一秒钟的视频,昨天提出的,该mpmm磁铁马达推动了全市这么多人尝试复制的影响,可见,在第一视频张贴在两个星期前。 (PESWiki; Jan. 19, 2008) ( peswiki ; 2008年1月19日)
Transmission of Grid Power Using Pressurized Air 输电的电网用加压空气
Instead of transmitting electricity over high-voltage cables, Kasmer suggests transmitting power via high-pressure air, which would be pressurized and depressurized via his infinitely variable pneumatic conversion technology, which would serve as the transformers in the system. 而不是输电以上高压电缆, kasmer表明,发射功率,经高压空气,这将是加压和减压透过他的无限可变气压转换技术,这将成为变压器在系统。 (PESN; Jan. 23) ( pesn ; 1月23日)
Venturi System Optimizes Water Flow Harnessing 丘系统优化水流治理
Patented venturi containment system increases turbine efficiency 3.85 times what the turbine would produce without the system, making this a world leading design. 专利丘遏制系统增加水轮机效率3.85倍涡轮将产生无制度,使之成为世界领先的设计。 The company is now commencing the commercialization stage, with an expected price that competes with coal in the range of 3.5 to 6 cents per kw-h. 目前,该公司展开了商业化阶段,其预计的价格竞争,煤炭在射程3.5至6美分,每千瓦小时。 (PESWiki; Jan. 21) ( peswiki ; 1月21日)
