All About Golf 所有有关高尔夫球
Tips to Help Your Game 窍门,让你的游戏

Golf Basics 高尔夫基本知识
Golf Basics-The Drive 高尔夫基本知识-硬盘
Golf Basics-Putting 高尔夫基本知识推
Hiring a Golf Pro 雇用一名职业高尔夫球选手张连伟
Practice Tips 实践秘诀
Choosing Your Equipment 选择您的设备
Golf Etiquette 高尔夫礼仪
Learn the Course: Weather 学习的过程:天气
Learn the Course: Tees 学习的过程: T恤
Learn the Course: Fairways 学习课程:航道
Learn the Course: Hazards 学习课程:灾害
Learn the Course: Greens 学习课程:绿色植物
Golf's Health Benefits 高尔夫的健康益处

Golf Practice Tips 高尔夫练习秘诀

Even with lessons, instructional videos and store-purchased aids, your golf game will continue the way it has been without consistent and efficient practice.即使上课,教学录像带和商店购买了艾滋病,你的高尔夫游戏,将继续这样一直没有一致的和有效率的做法。 Consistent because practice sessions involve exercises that are meant to develop muscle memory.一致的,因为练习涉及演习,是为了发展肌肉的记忆。 Efficient because pacing your energy to the kinds of exercises you’ll do is important as well.高效率,因为起搏你的精力用在种练习你会做的,是重要的。

Simple as this point may sound, it is one that is easily overlooked.简单,因为这一点听起来可能,它是一个是很容易被忽略。 Many golfers think that for as long as they spend enough time on the practice range, their score will improve.许多球手认为,因为只要他们花足够的时间对实践范围,他们的分数会提高。 Unfortunately, that is not necessarily so.不幸的是,并非一定如此。 To get a better game, it is important that your practice sessions be as regimented as the way you play the game itself, if not more.希望能更好地游戏,它是非常重要的,你的练习赛一样regimented作为未来路,你玩游戏本身,如果不遑多让。

Before you groan about how boring practices are, it might help to think that practices are what build good playing habits when you hit the greens.之前,你的呻吟如何沉闷的做法是,它可能有助于认为做法是建立良好的生活习惯玩的时候,你来到了果岭。 And if you approach your practice sessions as more than chores and see them as yet another fun aspect to your game of golf, the results can only be a game all the more fun than it already is.而如果你的做法,你的练习作为多琐事,并看到他们又一次乐趣方面,以你的高尔夫球场,其结果只能是一个游戏都更有趣,比已经出现。

First of all, think of your practice session in three parts consisting of:首先,觉得你的做法,会议分为三个部分组成:

- the warm-up, -暖机,

- the fresh stage -新鲜阶段

- and the fatigued stage. -和疲倦的阶段。

In these three stages, you will carry out different sets of exercises that when done in the right stages will make your practices more effective giving you results you can see on the greens as you play.在这三个阶段,你会进行套不同的演习时,做了正确的阶段,将使您的做法更有效地给你的结果,你可以看到,就在果岭上,因为你的角色。

- Warm-up: -热身赛:

Many are deceived into thinking that golf requires no strenuous physical activity as it only involves swinging and walking.许多人受骗,以为高尔夫并不需要艰苦的体力活动,因为它不仅涉及摆动和散步。 Nothing could be further from the truth.没有什么可以进一步从真相。 The very nature of swinging causes your muscle groups to work in ways not common to everyday routine.很自然摆动造成你的肌肉群,以工作的方式并不常见,以每天的例行公事。

Your upper torsos, arms, as well as your lower back muscles are the groups most worked when playing golf which only shows that it is important to warm up with some stretches.你的上torsos ,武器,以及你的下背部肌肉,是最大的群体的工作,打高尔夫球时,这只能说明它是很重要的热身一些伸展操。 Start from the top of your head and work your way down to your feet.开始,从最高层的你的头和你的工作方式下,以自己的脚。 Flexibility and getting your muscles’ full range of motion is your goal.灵活性和你的肌肉充分运动幅度是你的目标。 If you are unfamiliar with stretches, you may consult a trainer or the instructor in your club for some tips.如果您不熟悉伸展操,你可以请教教官或导师在你的俱乐部,为一些小窍门。

- Fresh Stage -新鲜阶段

After your warm-up, start working on exercises that build on a skill you haven’t mastered yet, or on parts of your game that’s been causing you higher strokes.之后,你在舞台上,展开工作,就演习的基础上的技巧,你还没有掌握,但还是对部分你的游戏,这引起了你更高的招。 This could be anything from putting, chipping or driving.这可以从推杆,刨切或驾驶。

The idea is that when you work on these problem areas while you’re still fresh and limber from a stretch routine, your body responds more positively to the exercises you’re subjecting it to.想法是,当你的工作,对这些有问题的地方,而你还在新鲜和limber从一例行的,你的身体作出更积极的演习你服从它。

The thing about most people’s idea of golf practice is simply spending time on the driving range without even considering whether or not driving is their waterloo.这件事对大多数人的想法,高尔夫练习,只是花费的时间就练习场,甚至没有考虑是否或不开车的是他们的滑铁卢。 But if you’re aware that your short game is what’s giving you problems, then you’d do best to hit the greens to work on your putts as soon as you finish warming up.但是,如果你知道你的短游戏到底是什么原因让你的问题,那么你做的最好,以击中果岭工作,对你的推杆,一旦你完成升温。 (As an aside, it has been observed that more than 60% of a player’s strokes take place on the green. Unfortunately, this fact is overlooked by many players thus resulting in poor practice habits.) (旁白,据观察,百分之六十以上的玩家的中风发生了新绿。不幸的是,这实际上是忽略了许多球员,从而导致贫困的实践习惯) 。

- Fatigued stage -疲倦阶段

Once you start feeling winded from the earlier exercises, move on to work on facets of your game that simply need reinforcement.一旦你开始感觉气从较早前的演习,此举对工作的层面进行你的游戏,只需要增援。 Since your body already knows this motion, this stage in your practice serves as maintenance to your form.因为你的身体已经知道这项议案时,这个阶段你在实践中,作为维修到表单中。

If any correction is necessary, your stressed out body isn’t as pressured to master a difficult form.如果任何校正是必要的,你强调了身体,是不是因为压力,要掌握一个困难的形式。 As in the previous example, only after working on your problematic short game can you then go to the driving range to give positive reinforcement to your drives.正如在前面的例子中,只有工作后,对你的问题的简短的游戏你能,然后前往练习场作出积极增援到您的硬盘。

Finally, here are some more observations and suggestions in carrying out your practice.最后,这里有一些更多的意见和建议,在履行你的做法。

- To be able to see continuous improvement, a good practice-to-play ratio is about 2:1, which means giving twice as much time to practice as to what you would spend in playing. -为了能看到不断改善,一个很好的做法,到发挥的比例大约是2 :1,这意味着给予两倍多时间,以实践作为什么,你会花玩。

- However, give yourself sufficient time to rest in between exercises and in between stages. -不过,给自己充分的时间休息,在这两者之间演习,并在衔接等。 While it is a work out, you should not be winded down by the activity.虽然这是一个工作了,你不应长篇大论,由活动。 Doing so may actually do more harm than help.这样做,实际上可能做更多的是弊多于帮助。

Your game should see improvements as you give your sessions a more defined structure.你的比赛应该会有改善,因为你给你的会议更明确的架构。 Be consistent and note the results of your exercises to step up that game one stroke at a time.前后一致,说明结果你的演习,以加强对那场比赛一蹴而就,在一段时间。


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