All About Golf 所有有关高尔夫球
Tips to Help Your Game 窍门,让你的游戏

Golf Basics 高尔夫基本知识
Golf Basics-The Drive 高尔夫基本知识-硬盘
Golf Basics-Putting 高尔夫基本知识推
Hiring a Golf Pro 雇用一名职业高尔夫球选手张连伟
Practice Tips 实践秘诀
Choosing Your Equipment 选择您的设备
Golf Etiquette 高尔夫礼仪
Learn the Course: Weather 学习的过程:天气
Learn the Course: Tees 学习的过程: T恤
Learn the Course: Fairways 学习课程:航道
Learn the Course: Hazards 学习课程:灾害
Learn the Course: Greens 学习课程:绿色植物
Golf's Health Benefits 高尔夫的健康益处

Learn The Course: Greens 学习课程:绿色植物

Golfers are very picky about the golf course where they want to play.高尔夫球是很挑剔的高尔夫球场,他们要扮演的角色。 They don't like playing in areas where the greens were just punched.他们不喜欢玩的地方,在果岭上只打了。 That is why keepers of the greens implement a lot of methods to make sure expert care is given and golfers play golf without being annoyed.这就是为什么饲养绿党实施了很多方法,以确保护理专家给出高尔夫球打高尔夫球,没有烦恼。

There are a lot of problems that resemble a nightmare if no perfect trouble shooting tips are used.有很多问题,象一场噩梦,如果没有完善的故障排除提示是使用。 One aspect that is very important in keeping a good green is the drainage.一个方面,这是非常重要的,保持一个良好的绿色是排水。 Although, this is often overlooked, it is a vital part in keeping the green especially during rainy seasons.虽然,这是经常被忽视,它是一个重要组成部分,在保持绿色,尤其是在雨季。

A real golf course will eat up from $65,000 or more for just a single green.一个真正的高尔夫球场会吃了从65000美元或以上只是一个单一的绿色。 A base layer to maintain the shape is required for a green.基础层,以维持形状,是需要一个绿色的。 The drainage should be made up of crushed stones, a layer of sand, PVC pipes, and at least 13 to 14 inches of cheaper sand with peat for the root zone layer.排水应作出的碎石,一层沙土,聚氯乙烯管,并至少在13至14英寸的便宜砂与泥炭为根区层。 The sprinklers should be available including bunkers.该洒水器,应可包括掩体。 A more expensive part, which is the sod, is needed also for the surrounding area.较昂贵的部分,这是超氧化物歧化酶,是需要,也为周边区域。

The labor needed in providing maintenance for the green is not for golf course owners who do not like cutting the grass more than once a week.劳动力需要提供维修,为绿,是不是高尔夫球场的业主,他们不喜欢切草以上每星期一次。 The hard part of the work is preventing turf grass problems and being vigilant on how to maintain it as it should be.辛勤工作的一部分,是防止草坪问题,并正密切关注如何保持它也应该这样。 Cutting of the grass should be made every two to three days or everyday if there are golfers who want to play on the green everyday.切草应作出每2至3天或每天,如果有高尔夫爱好者,他们要玩就天天绿。 There is also other work that demands more time and cost such as aeration, fertilization, putting herbicides, top dressing, putting fungicides and/or pesticides.此外,还有其他的工作,要求有更多的时间和成本,如曝气,施肥,将除草剂,追肥,将杀菌剂和/或杀虫剂。 Below is a list of some methods and time frame needed in taking care of the golf course greens.下面列出了一些方法和时限内需要照顾的高尔夫球场的果岭上。

Care for Greens Activity and Scheduling照顾绿党活动与调度

Irrigation: 1 - 3 days interval灌溉: 1 -三天区间

Mowing: 1 - 3 days interval修剪: 1 -三天区间

Top dressing: 3 to 6 times a year追肥: 3至6倍一年

Aeration: Once a year曝气:每年一次

Pesticide: Only when it's needed农药:只有当它的需要

Herbicide: Only when it's needed除草剂:只有当它的需要

Fungicide: Once a month杀菌剂:每月一次

Fertilization: Once a month施肥:每月一次

The types of grass that can be used are either the creeping Bentgrass or Bermuda grass.该类型的草可以用来是要么匍匐翦股颖或百慕达草。 Bentgrass is considered by golf course owners in areas where the climate is moderate to cool while Bermuda is the type of turf recommended in tropical or sunny temperatures.翦股颖被认为是高尔夫球场的业主在地方气候温和凉爽,而百慕达是型草坪建议在热带或有阳光的温度。 Bentgrass is easier to grow and provides an income for a greenskeeper.翦股颖是比较容易成长,并提供了一个收入为greenskeeper 。 Using Bermuda in hot climates makes it more costly.用百慕大在炎热的气候,使它更加昂贵。 The techniques used in maintaining the two kinds of grass are the same; the only difference is that it would be difficult to use Bentgrass in places that are tropical since it is hard to keep it moist.采用的技术,在维持2种草是相同的;唯一不同的是,这将是难以用翦股颖的地方是热带,因为它是努力保持这种湿润了。 Only 22% of American golf course owners use Bermuda while 78% prefer Bentgrass.只有22 %的美国高尔夫球场老板用百慕大,而78 %宁愿翦股颖。 Here are the list of places and the turf type they use according to a survey made by GCSAA.这里是所列出的地方和草坪式,他们利用根据一项调查所作的gcsaa 。

US State: Bentgrass/Bermuda grass美国务院:翦股颖/百慕达草

Alabama: 19/81阿拉巴马州: 81分之19

Arizona: 59/41亚利桑那州: 41分之59

Arkansas: 60/40阿肯色州: 60/40

California: 86/14加州: 14分之86

Florida: 2/98佛罗里达州: 2 / 98

Georgia: 49/51格鲁吉亚: 49/51号决议

Louisiana: 2/98路易斯安那州: 2 / 98

Mississippi: 9/90密西西比州: 9 / 90

Nevada: 93/7内华达州: 93 / 7

Oklahoma: 90/10俄克拉何马州: 10分之90

North Carolina: 67/33北卡罗莱纳: 33分之67

South Carolina: 14/86南卡罗来纳州: 86分之14

Tennessee: 65/35田纳西州: 35分之65

Texas: 50/50德州: 50/50

Hawaiian owners are using one hundred per cent Bermuda grass while all the other US states are using a hundred per cent Bentgrass.夏威夷业主使用100 % ,百慕达草,而所有其他美国国正在使用的是百分之一百的翦股颖。 Southeast Texas is using Bermuda while Bent is being used in Northwest Texas.德克萨斯州东南部,是用百慕达,而一意孤行,将被用作在西北德克萨斯州。

Standard mowers, preferably the rotary types, are needed since the greens should be rolled and cut to a height of 4/16 inches.标准割草机,最好是旋转类型,还需要自绿党应轧切到一个高度4 / 16英寸。 Others are still considering synthetic grass than Bentgrass for the golf course.别人还在考虑将人造草翦股颖比为高尔夫球场。 Although synthetic ones can be cheaper, some golfers may not like the idea.虽然合成的,可便宜了,有些球员可能不喜欢这个主意。 Here are the pluses and minuses of each type of grass:这里是正负因素的每一类草:

Type of Greens: Pros vs. Cons这类绿色植物:利弊与意见

Real bent grass真正一心草

1. 1 。 Maintenance can be a hobby but skills and training are needed维修可以是一个业余爱好,但技能和训练是必要的

2. 2 。 More pleasing and attractive but can be time consuming更令人高兴和吸引力,但可以耗费时间

3. 3 。 Whole locations can be changed but costly grass mowers are needed整个位置是可以改变的,但昂贵的草割草机需要

4. 4 。 Grows fast and cheaper than seeds but irrigation is needed生长快和便宜的种子,但灌溉的需要

Fake grass假草

1. 1 。 Maintenance is not needed but concrete holes are permanent保养是没有必要,但具体的洞是永久

2. 2 。 May look real during playing but can be discovered fake by expert golfers可以看看真正在踢球,但可以发现,假专家高尔夫

3. 3 。 Can take any weather condition but a bit more expensive than real bent grass seeds可以采取任何天气情况,但有些较昂贵的,比真正一心草种子

4. 4 。 Worry free maintenance but requires labor fees for installation担心免费维修,但需要劳力费安装


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