All About Golf 所有有关高尔夫球
Tips to Help Your Game 窍门,让你的游戏

Golf Basics 高尔夫基本知识
Golf Basics-The Drive 高尔夫基本知识-硬盘
Golf Basics-Putting 高尔夫基本知识推
Hiring a Golf Pro 雇用一名职业高尔夫球选手张连伟
Practice Tips 实践秘诀
Choosing Your Equipment 选择您的设备
Golf Etiquette 高尔夫礼仪
Learn the Course: Weather 学习的过程:天气
Learn the Course: Tees 学习的过程: T恤
Learn the Course: Fairways 学习课程:航道
Learn the Course: Hazards 学习课程:灾害
Learn the Course: Greens 学习课程:绿色植物
Golf's Health Benefits 高尔夫的健康益处

Learn The Course: Tees 学习的过程: T恤

Since its inception, golf has been the world’s most elegant sport.自成立以来,高尔夫一直是世界上最优雅的运动项目。 The rules and the discipline entailed in every golfer is the main reason why the game is considered to exude sheer combination of style and sportsmanship in the game.规则和纪律中产生的每一位高尔夫球手的主要原因是比赛被认为是渗出纯属相结合的作风,和体育精神在游戏中。

However, golf will not be complete without its basic components.不过,高尔夫将是不完整的,其基本组成部分。 These things are used to facilitate the process of playing the game.这些东西是用来方便的过程中玩游戏。

One of the main components of golf is the tee.其中的一个主要组成部分,高尔夫是发球。 On its basic concept, golf tees are those used as stands that hold the golf ball during the player’s “first stroke” in each hole.关于它的基本概念,高尔夫球场发球台,是那些用来作为主张举行高尔夫球期间播放的"第一招" ,在每一个洞。

Tee is also used to unofficially refer to the area from which the player hit his or her primary stroke. TEE是也可以用来内定是指以面积从哪个球员击中他的或她的主要行程。 It is formally known as the “teeing ground”.它的正式名称为"地面发球" 。 Such that when a player is said to play on the golf course’ ninth hole, the player is said to play from the “ninth tee” to the ninth green.例如,当一个球员说,以发挥对高尔夫球场第九洞,球员是说,发挥由"九五三通" ,到第九洞果岭。

Consequently, the first shot hit by the player from a “teeing ground” is known as a tee shot.因此,首先开枪击中球员,从"地面发球" ,是众所周知的一个发球。 For lengthy holes, tee shots can be done using a driver; while for shorter holes, it is best to use an iron.冗长的洞,洞杆可以用一名司机,而短洞,它是最好用这样一个铁的。

Typically, using tees while on the verge of hitting the ball is not allowed after the tee shot has been done.通常情况下,利用发球台,而于1896年的击球是不准许后,发球已经做到。 However, there are instances wherein some rules of golf allow this kind of technique known as “teeing the ball.”但是,也有事例,其中一些高尔夫规则,让这种技术被称为"发球球" 。

Too complicated?太复杂了呢? Read on.接着往下看。

Information on golf tees may range from the simplest to the most complex information.资料高尔夫发球台,可以从最简单到最复杂的信息。 This is because the term “tee” is being used to refer to many things in a golf game.这是因为而言, "三通"是被用来指许多事情在一个高尔夫游戏。

Therefore, for people who wish to know more about tees, here is a list that can be used in order to understand the concept and importance of tees in golf.

1. 1 。 The act of teeing is beneficial for drive shots.该法的发球是有利于传动杆。

Teeing, on its basic idea is considered as advantageous for players who do drive shots.发球,就其基本思路是视为有利球员做传动杆。 In this case, teeing is allowed most of the time.在这种情况下,发球是让大部分的时间。

Alternatively, teeing is not allowed after the tee shot has been delivered.反过来说,发球是不准许后,发球已经送达。 Any shots where tees are used will be considered illegal.任何枪的地方发球台,是用来将被视为非法。

2. 2 。 Tee shots can be executed without the use of tees. T型杆,可签,无须使用发球台。

As mentioned, tees are used when the first shot is played on the hole of the teeing ground.如前所述,发球台,是用来当第一枪的是起到对洞的发球地面。 If in the event that the first shot is considered as a chip, a short “approach shot” of low flight usually strike from next to the green, the player can have his or her tee shot without using a tee.如果万一该第一枪被认为是一个芯片上,在短期内"的方式开枪"的低飞行通常罢工,从旁边的绿色,玩家可以有他或她的发球,不需使用击球。

3. 3 。 Normal size of golf tee正常大小的洞高尔夫球场

The typical size of a golf tee is 2.125 inches in length.典型尺寸的高尔夫球TEE是2.125英寸长度。 However, tee sizes may vary depending on their length, and on how they will be used in the game.不过,三通大小的不同而不同,其长度,并就如何将被用于在游戏中。

4. 4 。 Forward tees are best for beginners着发球台,是最适合初学者

It is highly recommended by experts that forward tees should be used by beginners.这是非常推荐的专家认为,未来发球台,应使用由初学者。 Forward tees are usually used by high or middle handicap seniors and women.着发球台,通常是用高或中等残疾老人和妇女。

5. 5 。 Three different set of tees with three different functions三个不同的发球台,与3个不同的功能

There are three different set of tees available in golf.有三种不同的发球台,可在高尔夫球场。 These are the back tees, middle tees, and the forward tees.这些都是回到发球台,中,发球台,远期发球台。

Each set of tees has its special function.每一组发球台,有其特殊功能。

In choosing which set of tees are appropriate for a certain type of player, it is best to consider the player’s handicap, or the amount of strokes that he or she must subtract from his or her real score.在选择哪一套发球台,是适合于某一类型的球员,最好是考虑到球员的残疾,或金额的招,他或她必须核减从他或她的真实分数。 This is usually done to initiate players who have different capabilities to contend on an equal level.这是一般的做法是主动的球员有不同的能力,来对一个平等的水平。

Hence, for those who are low-handicap, it is best to use back tees, also known as championship tees.因此,对于那些低收入的障碍,最好是使用回发球台,又称为锦标赛发球台。 For middle to high handicap men, long-hitting or low-handicap seniors, and low-handicap women, it is best to use middle tees.中等至偏高残障男子,长期打或低残障老人,低收入残疾妇女,最好是在使用中发球台。

On the other hand, forward tees are best for beginners and low-handicap seniors and women.在另一方面,着发球台,是最适合初学者和低残障老人和妇女。

With all of these things in mind, every golfer should realize by now how important tees are in the game.所有这些事情忘记,每一位高尔夫球应该认识到现在是多么重要发球台,是在游戏中。 Without these tees, the game cannot officially start with the first hole.如果没有这些T恤,游戏无法正式启动,与第一孔。

Therefore, even if it is relatively complicated to understand the basic concept of tees, still, it is important for a golf player to know its concept and the rules that surround it in order to achieve something in golf.因此,即使是较为复杂的,了解基本概念的发球台,但它是很重要的一个高球选手,以了解其概念和规则包围着,以实现一些高尔夫。


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