Car Buying Tips & Information 汽车购买技巧与资讯

Reason for buying a car 理由买车
Sources for used car buying 来源为二手车购买
Used car buying tips 二手车购买窍门
Test drive tips 试驾秘诀
Buying a car online 买车在线
Vehicle auctions 车辆拍卖
Tips about Financing 窍门关于融资
Before you sign a contract 之前你签订合同
Car dealer scams 汽车经销商诈骗
Auto financing scams 汽车金融诈骗

Before You Sign a Contract 之前你签订合同

Security from any fraud and unscrupulous activities should be a serious concern for anyone who is into sales, lease, jobs, or any kind of services that entail certain provisionary agreement and settlement.保安从任何欺诈行为和不良经营行为,应该是一个令人严重关切的人,是到销售,租赁,就业,或者任何种类的服务,这意味着某些provisionary协议和结算。

Whether a party is a first time or an expert person, the industry and the services that go with it presents the concerned person with risks and challenges that you cannot underestimate.是否党是第一次或专家的人,产业界和服务去与它有关的人的风险和挑战,你不能低估。 Every time that a person is engaged in a commercial transaction in the society, he or she is in danger of submitting their selves to probabilities of fraudulent activities.每一次,一个人是从事商业交易,在社会上时,他或她是在危险的方式递交守土有责,以概率的诈骗活动。

That is why contracts were made to ensure the security of both parties involved.这就是为什么合同,以确保安全,双方当事人。

Generally, contracts are created to provide solid information about the agreement that transpired between two or more parties and that any details stated therein are bounded by certain laws and regulations.一般而言,合约是为了提供可靠的消息,该协议的一个时期发生两个或两个以上当事方和任何细节说明,大多位于某些法律和法规。 Hence, it is extremely important for a person to know the important details of the contract before he or she signs and submits to the pact.因此,这是极为重要的是一个人了解的重要合约的细节之前,他或她的标志,并提交这项议定书。

Here is a list of some of the things people should know before they sign a contract.这里是一个名单上的一些事情的人应该知道,之前他们签订承包合同。 Knowing these will surely protect them from any discrepancies or any fraudulent activities that may happen.明知这些一定会保护他们不受任何出入或有欺诈成分的活动可能发生。

1. 1 。 Be aware that a contract is a legal document, bound by legal provisions and stipulations.知道合同是一个法律文件,必将受到法律条文和规定。

As defined, it is a “legally binding,” printed arrangement signed by two or more factions or groups, which entails their commitment to each other.作为界定,这是一个"具有法律约束力" ,印刷安排签署了两个或两个以上的派系或团体的,这需要彼此的相互承诺。

With the term legal, this means that any provisions stated therein are bounded by law, in which, any act, made by a particular party or all of the parties concerned, that constitutes as non-conformity to the details of the agreement will be held liable with the law.随着任期的法律,这意味着任何条文阐明,大多位于法,其中的任何行为,由特定政党或各有关方面的,即构成为不符合要求,以该协议的详细内容,将举行责任符合法律规定。

This means that anybody could be imprisoned or held in custody with the law unless other wise the concerned party is proven not guilty.这意味着,任何人都可能被监禁或关押,但在符合法律规定,除法律另有明智有关党是证明无罪。

Hence, it is important to be meticulous about the details of the contract before signing it to avoid any potential risk.因此,它是重要的是要细致相关的细节合同签约前,以避免任何可能的风险。

2. 2 。 Make sure that you are dealing with trustworthy and reliable companies请务必在处理相互信赖的可靠公司

It is extremely important to know first who the concerned person is dealing with.这是极为重要的是要知道第一次世卫组织有关的人正在处理。 Therefore, it would be better if an individual or a party would try to do some investigations and background checks first before they sign the contract.因此,它会更好,如果个人或一党会尝试做一些调查和背景调查,先签署合同。

If in the event that a person or a party is in doubt, it is best to follow their instincts and forego the signing of the contract.如果一旦某个人或某个党,是有怀疑,最好是跟随自己的直觉和放弃签订了合同。

3. 3 。 Know the fine print知道罚款打印

The problem with most people is that they assume every detail as part and partial of the whole agreement, thinking that everything will be stated as agreed verbally, and that there will be no harm if they will not read thoroughly the fine print.这个问题与大多数人的是,他们假设每一个细节部分和局部的,整个协议的,自以为一切都将被列为口头同意,并表示,将不会有任何伤害,如果他们没有看过彻底小字印刷。

This should not be the case; otherwise, they can get into trouble with the parties involved or with the law.这应该不会发生,否则,他们可以遇上麻烦,与当事人或符合法律规定。

People should bear in mind, that the law fully assumes that any person or entity that has agreed to sign in a contract has fully understand the details stipulated therein.人们应当牢记,该法完全是假设任何人或实体已同意签署一项合同,已充分了解细节规定。 Hence, there is no excuse for any party who claims that they had missed certain details in the contract.因此,没有任何借口,任何一方声称,他们已经错过了某些细节,在该合同。

4. 4 。 Make sure that all of the details about the contract are fully stated.确保所有的资料,有关合同的充分说明。

This means that all information pertinent to the agreement should be stipulated clearly and completely.这意味着所有有关的资料,该协议应当规定清楚,完整。 For example, for service contracts, be sure that the beginning date and ending date of the service is clearly stated.举例来说,服务合同,肯定的是,开始日期,结束日期,该服务是清楚说明。

5. 5 。 Make certain that there are no blank spaces in the contract作出肯定的是,不存在任何空白合同

Before signing a contract, concerned parties should try to inspect the document meticulously and ensure that there are no blank spaces present.之前的合约签署仪式上,有关各方应设法查阅文件认真,并确保不存在空白。 This may pose greater risks if left unattended, especially if their signatures are already affixed on the contract.这可能会造成更大的风险,如果单独留在家中,特别是如果他们的签名,已经追究的合同。

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that people should be very careful about transactions, deals, or agreements that they commit to.所有这些东西都归结到一个事实,大家都应该非常小心交易,交易或协议,他们承诺。 It is relatively important to be aware and knowledgeable of the details of the contract before signing it.这是比较重要的是要了解和熟悉该合约的细节之前签署它。

You may have heard that ignorance of the law is not an excuse.你可能听说,不懂法,是不是一种借口。 This is true, therefore, it is better to be fully aware of it than to be in trouble with the law in the end.这是事实,因此,最好是充分认识到,这比要麻烦与最终获得法律地位。




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