Do It Yourself Car Diagnosis 做自己的汽车诊断

With a little research on your vehicle, you can avoid future repair problems.同一个小小的研究,对你的车,你可避免日后的维修问题。 Whether you are mechanically savvy or not, you can detect many common vehicle problems simply by using your senses of smell and sight.无论你是机械精明或没有,你可以发现许多共同的汽车问题,手续简单,用你的感官嗅觉和壮观。


Are there any stains or drops of fluid under your vehicle?是否有任何血迹或滴液,在你的汽车吗? There may be no problem whatsoever, however you do want to check for wet spots, as this could be a symptom of a serious problem.有可能是没有任何问题,不过你这样做要检查湿点,因为这可能是一种症状的一个严重问题。

What color is the liquid under the car?什么颜色的液体,根据轿车? Yellowish green, blue or orange colors can show an overheated engine or an antifreeze leak.黄绿色,蓝色或橙色的机身颜色,可以显示出过热的引擎或防冻液泄漏。 You could have a leaky radiator or a water pump in need of repair.你能有一个散热器漏水或水泵需要修理。 If this is the problem, you need to get to a repair shop immediately.如果这是个问题,你必须找到一个修理铺,立即。

A dark brown or black oily fluid can show that the engine is leaking oil.深褐色或黑色油性液体,可以显示发动机是漏油。 A bad seal or gasket could be the cause of the leak.一个坏的密封垫片,或可找出造成这次泄漏。 The repair for this problem can be exorbitant, so you will want to seek out a reputable mechanic right away.修理,对于这个问题,可高昂的,所以你将希望寻找一个有信誉的机工的时候了。

A red oily looking spot shows a transmission or power steering fluid leak.红色油性看现货显示传送或动力转向液泄漏。 Another reason to see your car doctor!另一个原因,看看你的车医生!

Sometimes the liquid is clear, and this is usually normal condensation from your vehicle's air conditioner.有时液体是清楚的,这通常是正常凝结,从你的汽车的空调。 There is no need for concern.因此没有必要担忧。

If you see light smoke coming from a wheel - it could be a stuck brake.如果你看到轻烟雾来自一个车轮-这可能是一个坚持刹车。 Call a tow truck.呼叫拖车。

Smoke coming from any part of the vehicle shows a need for repair.烟雾来自车辆的任何部分,表明需要修理或更换。


Sniff around, and you may detect your vehicles problem.嗅出周围,你可能发现你的车辆问题。

The smell of burned toast can signal an electrical short and burning insulation.气味烧伤致祝酒辞,可信号电气短期和烧毁绝缘。 Have a mechanic come to look at your car.有一名机械师来看看你的车。 Do not risk driving it anywhere.不危险驾驶,它在任何地方。

A rotten egg smell usually shows a problem in the catalytic converter.一个烂鸡蛋气味,通常显示的一个问题,在催化转换器。 You will need to take the vehicle in for repair as soon as possible.您将需要采取车辆维修尽快进行。

A thick sharp odor usually shows burning oil.厚厚夏普气味,通常表明烧油。 Look under the car to see if there is a leak.看看下了车,看看是否有漏水。 There could be a bluish smoke coming from your vehicle, too.有可能是一个蓝烟雾从你的车,太。 This problem needs to be addressed immediately!这个问题,必须及时解决!

The smell of gas after a failed start may mean the engine is flooded.臭味的气体失败后,开始可能意味着发动机是水淹。 Just wait a couple of minutes and try again.只是等待一,两分钟,并再次尝试。 If you keep noticing the gas odor, this could be a sign of a leak in the fuel system - a potentially dangerous problem that needs immediate attention.如果你一直留意煤气气味,这可能是一个迹象,漏水,在燃料系统-一个具有潜在危险性问题,需要立即引起注意。

Do you notice a sweet odor?你看到甜气味? This may show a coolant leak.这可能显示,冷却液泄漏。 Watch your temperature gauge, warning light and drive to a repair shop.看你的温度测量仪,警示灯驾驶到修理店。 Now, if you see steam emerging from under the hood, stop and pull over.现在,如果你看到蒸汽新兴从引擎盖下,停止和拉拢。 You definitely do not want to keep driving an overheated vehicle.你绝对不想保留驾驶过热车辆。 Your engine will most likely be seriously damaged.你的发动机将最有可能遭到严重破坏。 Call a tow truck.呼叫拖车。

The basic rule of smell is that if you do notice an unusual odor - get to a mechanic or get one to come to you.基本规则的嗅觉是,如果你做预告一个不寻常的气味-结识一名机械师或送一来你。

Follow these simple guidelines, keep your eyes and nose open, and you could end saving hundreds of dollars in repair!遵循这些简单的指导,让您的眼睛和鼻子开放的,你可能最终挽救了数百计的维修!