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Differentiating Authentic E-mail From Notorious E-mail Spamming鉴别正宗的电子邮箱,由臭名昭著的电邮
By Paul Judge保罗法官
Among the malicious discomforts that most people can expect over the web is the presence of e-mail spamming practices wherein an e-mail account received various messages coming from an unknown origin.其中恶意不适,大部分人可以预料超过网络是存在的电邮的做法,其中一个电子邮件帐户收到的各种信息,从一个来历不明。 E-mail messages coming from an unknown contact would always be a prime candidate for possible spam e-mail.电子邮件是来自一个未知的联系,将始终成为总理候选人可能滥发电子邮件。 Rightfully so, catchy subject lines should make people who check their e-mail suspicious of up to nothing messages, that may eventually trick users into replying or perhaps be directed to websites that are contained through scripts included in the e-mail.理所当然,醒目的标题内容应作的人,检查他们的电子邮件可疑的行动无关的讯息,即最终可能会引诱用户在回答或者直接到网站,这列载有通过脚本包含在电子邮件。 In short, spammed e-mail is defined as unsolicited mail sent to many people.总之,滥发电子邮件定义为垃圾邮件发送到了许多人。 However, it should be noted that a message written for or e-mailed to one individual that is known to the sender is not spam.但是,应该指出的是一个信息,以书面或电子邮箱一个单独的,是98至寄件者是不是垃圾邮件。 A reply to an e-mail is not considered to be spam unless the reply continuously repeats itself.答复电子邮件,是不会被视为垃圾邮件,除非答复不断重演。

A good question to ponder upon is why people resort to such pathetic practices of e-mail spamming.一个很好的问题思考的是,为什么人们利用这种可怜的做法电邮。 For one, site promotion is among the tops in the agenda of people who resort to this type of method.一,网站推广是其中佼佼者议程的人利用这种类型的方法。 The need to increase the sites visitors and gather more hits can be done through directing unknowing e-mail users of the site, and offering outrageous deals and privileges from this e-mail spamming practice.需要增加网站访客和收集更多的点击可以透过导演不知电子邮件网站的用户,并提供离谱待遇和特权,从这个电邮的实践。 The other probable purpose is to create havoc and make life miserable to most people who look towards creating mischief for innocent people who are not adept with the Internet security issues.其他可能的目的,是为了制造混乱和作出过悲惨的生活,以最广大人民的人,期望可以创造作怪,为无辜的人,他们不擅长与互联网的安全问题。

More and more people are seen to be fighting off this e-mail spamming practice, and most have gone to the extent of having banned their e-mail host providers from less credible e-mail origins.越来越多的人正在被看为击退这个电邮的实践中,大部份已到了严重程度禁止了他们的电子邮件主机供应从不足可信的电子邮件的来源。 Most sites, usually coming from the big corporate sectors大多数的网站,通常是来自大企业部门

and Internet service providers that provide e-mail services, look out for the total security of their customers and members.和互联网服务提供商提供电子邮件服务,期待为总保障他们的客户和成员。 There will be instances where e-mails sent may be rejected or bounced, for the reason that previous experiences from unsolicited e-mails which are considered e-mail spamming, want to be contained and avoided to retain and secure the integrity of the system itself.会有某些情况下,电子邮件发送可被拒收或退回,理由是,过去的经验,从来路不明的电子邮件,被认为是电邮的,要加以控制和避免的,以保留及安全制度的完整性本身。

To avoid such e-mail spammers cannot be immediately identified.为了避免这种电子邮件垃圾邮件发送者不能立即确定。 For one, looking at the point of origin, particularly the sender and the host provider are not enough to be able to contain these malicious spamming practices.一,从出发点出身,尤其是发件人和东道国供应商是不够的,以能够遏制这些恶意邮件。 Various tactics as hiding the actual sender’s e-mail address by using groups is a way of making these e-mail spammers untraceable in most cases.各种手段隐瞒实际发件人的电子邮件地址,利用群体是一个方法,使这些电子邮件垃圾邮件发送者难以追查的,在大多数情况下。

One last point that can be added is how these up to no good people are able to harvest such e-mails.最后一点,可以补充,是如何使这些行动没有善良的人能够收获这样的电子邮件。 One is through websites, serving notice as to why most sites do not place e-mail addresses in their sites and resort to online forms and scripts or placing their e-mail addresses by using images in place of them.一个是通过网站,送达通知书至于为什么大多数的网站不发生电子邮件地址,在他们的网站并诉诸在线表格和脚本,或置于自己的电子邮箱地址,由使用图像代替他们。 Such a practice has been deemed a good control for e-mails spamming control for most websites and the webmasters whom have resorted to such have devised a way to put a halt to such notorious e-mail spamming activities, often making life miserable to most people who look like sitting ducks and unaware of the Internet mischief that awaits them in the form of spamming via their e-mail accounts.这种做法已被视为一个良好的控制电子邮件滥发控制大多数网站和网络管理员,其中有诉诸这种设计了一个方法,把停止这种恶名昭彰的电邮活动,往往做出过悲惨的生活,以最广大人民他们期待着,像是坐在鸭和不了解的互联网恶作剧,正等待他们的形式滥发经由其电子邮件帐户。

Find most recent articles at Differentiating Authentic E-Mail From Notorious E-Mail Spamming寻找最近的文章,在鉴别正宗的电子邮箱,由臭名昭著的电邮

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